Church Weekly Announcements

I.   Schedule of Services

Wed Bible Study at 7 pm

Sunday School at 8:30am

Sunday Worship Service at 10:00am

July Sunday School Teachers

July 07, 24 - Dea McNeil - Subject:Hannah Commits Her Son to God - Lession text:Samuel 1:20,26-28;2:1-10

July 14, 24 - Sis McNeil - Subject: Ester's Bold Faith- Lession text: Ester 3:2-3,5-6a;4:7-16

July 21, 24 - Pastor Graves - Subject:The Deliverance of the Jews - Lession tex Ester 8:3-8:9:18-23

July 28, 24 - Min Allen - Subject:a Sinner Serves Christ - Lession text:Luke 7:36-50 -

II.   July Events

Each Monday morning at 7am the ladies have their Monday morning prayer please call in and join us

This Thursday July 11, 24 choir rehearsal for the Women's choir at 7pm.

Each Wednesday at 7pm we will have bible study.This Weeks lession is Christ-like Characteristics of a christian ( Servanthood) taught by Deacon McNeil

Upcoming events are:

Roadside cleanup will be on July 13 @8am for all who are able to come out.

The WOP and the Deacons will have their by-monthly meeting on July 13 At 10am..All women are invited to attend.

We have been invited to Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church for a friendship revival July 17-19, 7pm nightly

NMBC Male Chorus has been specifically requested to sing July 17th/ Guest speaker: Dr McCoy.

NMBC Gospel Choir is requested to sing July 18th/ Guest speaker Rev. Payne

Elizabeth choir will sing the final night of revival July 19th, Guest Speaker Rev. Graves.

I know this is different from past revivals but remember this is a "friendship" revival.Change is Good! thank you, Pastor Graves.

On July 20 the Deacons are spearheading Feed the Homeless. If you have any questions or want to volunteer please see Deacon Tyrone Davis.

Our next church conference will be July 27 at 10am.

Happy Birthday and happy anniversary to every-one who was born or got married in July.

Our Thought for the Day:Good Morning, you'll never change your life until you change something you do daiy. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.Question? Did you talk to God when you woke up this morning?



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