Pastor Corner

Happy holidays New Mission Baptist Church

 First lady and I would like to take a moment to wish you a very joyful holiday season. During this season, we pray that Hope, Peace, Love and Joy will fill your life in every way. We are grateful to God for the blessings and journey of 2023 and the possibilities of 2024. We are so grateful for how you have served so sacrificially this past year. Whether it’s teaching bible study; shepherding children; serving the homeless, volunteering to distribute food to the needy and countless other (usually unseen) tasks that keep our community running, and the church faithful to the word of God to “Love your neighbor”.

Thank you (New Mission) are blessed for being such a great example of living a life of faith. By faith and commitment God has given New Mission the increase of Spiritual knowledge, increase in membership and an abundance of resources. That we may be prepared to carry on his work and do greater work in the future. I am praising God that each day, and each trial we walk and serve God as one.

As you go about your holidays, please do not miss the point of the season. As decorations are displayed. Parties are attended. Gifts are bought and exchanged. The holiday season is a time to rest and spend quality time with family, friends, and brethren. But the most important event is to reverence the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all he has done for you in 2023.

Pastor: John O. Graves

New Mission Baptist Church

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